I know I know, it's been a long time since my last post. What can I say? We've been busy, I mean really, really busy.
But, if the truth be told......Hello, my name is Amy, I'm a Facebook addict. It's true. I'm completely addicted. But, I have realized the error of my ways. So here is a sampling of what we've been doing.
Let's see, Jennifer Ann continues her abuse of our dear Jack Russell Terrier, Jack. Here, she fancies him a bunny. (No animals were "hurt" in the above picture, unless you count his ego.)
Christmas was good. Noah received seriously the LOUDEST present ever. The LOUDEST present EVER! Am I a sucker or what? Like, I knew the drums were loud, but they are REALLY REALLY LOUD. Like, knock stuff off shelves loud. But he loves them and is very good at drums. At least his Mommy thinks so, of course I'm deaf now, but I feel the rhythm with my feet.
Jonah had a totally awesome birthday (that's him in the space shirt). We had all the neighborhood kids over for pizza and cake and even had some teenager friend types of the older siblings. Party at the Roots place!
George decided to enjoy the hospitality of Midland Memorial Hospital for 10 days with another infection in his hand. Boy that was some fun let me tell you. The best part was the look of panic on the doctors faces as they came in day after day to see no results. But science prevailed! This time. The picture above was in the early stages, believe me it got worse, much worse before it got better. We are so very grateful that he is much improved and doing much better. Very, very grateful.
The last picture is of our photodysfunctional family at Jonah's baptism. The best we got. Apparently we aren't meant for the red carpet as we can't all look at the camera at the same time with our eyes open. And no, I'm not an amazon nor the tallest in our family. I had on my big girl heels and many others were barefoot. This picture reminds me of being in the third grade and being placed at the top, dead center in the class picture. *shudder* Not great for a girl's ego, not great at all. And please, why didn't someone have mercy on me and fix my hair??? Jeesh you'd think it was someone else's "special" day or something. Anywho, despite the photographs it was a wonderful day. We're so proud of Jonah.
Well, three months of Roots' family goings on. You all can rest easy now.